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Parents Weekend

Friday - Saturday, September 8-9, 2023
at the Chabad House 
703 E. 7th Street

Family Weekend is a Chabad at IU annual tradition bringing together families and students to create memories that will last a lifetime.

Chabad will be hosting a full schedule of events during family weekend, please place your RSVP for family weekend 2023 below.


Students, bring your parents to your home away from home and show them what you've been raving about! We look forward to welcoming you all!


Weekend Schedule

Friday Sept. 8

4:00- 6:00PM Chabad Tailgate at IU Tailgate Fields (Stop by anytime!)


8:00PM Family Shabbat Dinner at the Cunins Home (Address will be provided upon RSVP)


Saturday Sept. 9

11:00AM Services 

12:30-2:00PM Parent's Weekend Buffet Lunch at Chabad


RSVP for one all times using the form below. If none of these time work with your schedule please contact us to make another time that works for you. We would love to meet you!


Join us for Shabbat
We will be joing for

Thanks for registering! The incredible programming that we offer would not be possible if not for the generosity of individuals who are committed to ensuring a strong Jewish future. You can make an immediate difference in the lives of students. With the demand for quality programming on the rise, we invite you to consider partnering with Chabad on Campus by making a gift today.

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